Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Digital Restaurant Design

Design in process (Autodesk)

Among the important PLM techniques now being applied to restaurant design is rapid visualization of 3D interior spaces and kitchens. The more sophisticated of these tools now incorporate parametric modeling, allowing the designer to build business rules into the design process itself. For example, the designer may require that customer aisles be at least 2 feet wide; that hanging lamps never fall below 7 feet from the floor; and that kitchen equipment never throw off more heat in an area than the HVAC system can handle.

Digital architectural modeling:

  • Promotes early review of design and functionality by non-technical users of the design process, such as executives from operations, marketing and procurement
  • Avoids expensive building of prototypes while permitting extensive trial and error
  • Preserves a record of the design history
  • Allows designers to reuse components of the design in future models
  • Facilitates cooperation among spatially and temporally separated contributors
We consider it an indispensable component of Retail Lifecycle Management (RLM).

To learn more about our work in consulting, read about our Practice or check out our Case Studies

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